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I believe there are at least two components to the effect of changes in #audiencedemographics.

First, you have #millenials, #genz, and following #generations (including two of my own teenagers) who have had a full childhood of watching #youtubevideos. I talk with them often about their perspective on #media. As #consumers they want quick cuts, eye-popping thumbnails, animated personalities, #shorts, and #stories. Because of this, they consume massive amounts of content on a daily basis. As #mediaproducers responsible for this #contentcreation we're challenged with providing our customers with highly-efficient production methods, using millenial tools as I say, including low-budget #production packages using #iphones and ancillary stabilization, lighting, and audio equipment. Because of the affordability of these tools, it makes it hard to compete because the market has been flooded with self-proclaimed #videoproducers and #influencers. And that leads to my second point.

#Businesses and #governmental organizations have an ever-increasing need for #professional #videoproduction companies that can not only produce high-end #promotional and #training #videos but can also fully execute the delivery of their finished video products in a secure and consistent manner.

In the post-2020 era our company, Josh Skehan Productions, has positioned itself as a #leader in the business and governmental side of #events, #corporate, #training, and #promotional video productions, even as far as producing content remotely, delivering complete commmercials for broadcast #television and #socialmedia, and training #video libraries with secure online #encryption and #authentication protocols for organizations like the USDA and The Meadows Behavioral Health.

I think we have recently entered these two pillars of demographics-based production ideology and it'll be here to stay for a while, although within those pillars I expect production styles and methods to morph continually and increasingly over time. - Josh Skehan

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